Have you experienced the "Blue Screen of Death" lately? Sometimes this can happen due to an unknown blip in how the system works, but more so it is a warning sign that an internal component is about to fail and that is related to how your data is stored.
Another sign that your computer is about to fail is that the system is not responding or freezing up periodically. You click a link and it takes longer than usual to start the program is a sign that something is not right with your computer.
Have you backed up your files lately? If not, now is a great time to do so before something drastic happens. All of your pictures and other data files could go up in a literal cloud of smoke if you don't have your system maintained and backed up.
Backing up your computer system is not all that difficult and generally inexpensive so why do so many people wait until it is too late and the files are lost forever. Today's personal computer backup systems use software to employ transparent backups as soon as you change a file on your computer. People find it truly amazing when they have implemented this type of backup and their system fails only to find that all is stored safely on an external hard drive.
Cloud backups are becoming more popular with the availability of many gigabytes of free storage available to people who have purchased Internet Security products or even some public free services that are generally minimal storage types. Even Microsoft Office gives its' customers free storage for their Office documents and cloud versions of the Office products that they have paid for. These options of cloud backups do have some caveats as they are stored in the cloud (the internet) and not on your own equipment.
At Computing Momentum, we can configure the back system that is right for you to ensure your data is safe.
There is a possibility that your data and files can be recovered without too much effort. A hard drive that cannot start Windows can in most cases can still be read with special software and tools and the data and files can be recovered. If the data is not corrupted and the drive is readable, there is a 99% chance that the files can be recovered without having to send it out to a special humidity controlled and dust free lab for data file recovery. However, if the data is inaccessible and is of the utmost importance and cannot be read in our office, we can send out the drive for special data recovery services without any cost unless the data can be recovered. Even if the drive is damaged, there is still a chance to recover data from a failed hard drive.
Deleted files from your computer can still be recovered if recovery is attempted ASAP. The longer the drive and computer stays running the system, the less chance there is to recover lost and deleted files as they can be overwritten by system activity..
Once data recovery has been performed, we can then offer to implement an inexpensive backup system to ensure your files are not lost again.
Contact us today before the files you need are gone forever!